1.katie yamasaki -acorn-us-history-1.jpg

Community High School U.S. History Classroom

Brooklyn, New York. 2010

In this, the first of the ACORN murals, students worked with Yamasaki to articulate the imagery that best answered their Course Essential Question, “To what extent has the U.S. lived up to its founding ideals?” Students engaged in the idea of being surrounded by a history they help to articulate, while simultaneously participating in a history in the making every day.

This project was partly developed in response to the high-tech race to the quickest digital teaching tools. At its core, Yamasaki and history teachers wanted to envelop the students in a living, learning environment that they helped to create.


ACORN Community High School, Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Teacher's Center for Liberation Pedagogy


CERESO #5, Women's Prison, Chiapas, Mexico