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Sueño Que Puedo Respirar Bajo el Agua, with Matias Mata, Sabotaje al Montaje

With Matias Mata, Sabotaje al Montaje. Cosquin. Cordoba, Argentina. 2013

This mural was part of an international mural conference in Cosquin, Cordoba, Argentina. Over forty artists from different countries came to Cosquin to address the topic of the conference, which was “Children and War.” This project was inspired by a recurring dream I have of being able to breathe under water. Sabotaje al Montaje (dear friend and amazing painter from the Canary Islands) and I used that dream as a metaphor for children being asked to do the impossible, particularly at times of war.

With Sabotaje al Montaje and friend and fellow painter, Mariano Fernandez.

The mural was painted on the bridge that crosses the Rio Cosquin, one of the most idyllic sites I’ve ever worked on.

We finished this project on Easter Sunday, with the most wonderful Easter surprise, a homemade chocolate egg full of chocolate candies, from the mural’s neighbor, Briana.

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Los Niños y La Guerra, Cosquin, Cordoba, Argentina


Flight with Ise, Welling Court, Long Island City